Dispatches: NHS Debate (Channel 4, 24 June 2024)

Channel 4

An insightful special, Dispatches: NHS Debate, airs on Channel 4, Monday, 24 June 2024, at 10 pm as a companion piece to the Dispatches NHS Undercover special seen earlier in the evening. Hosted by Krishnan Guru-Murthy, the program brings together politicians, patients, medical staff, health experts, and members of the public to engage in a timely discussion about the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

With healthcare being a pressing issue in the upcoming general election, the special examines the plans of political parties for the NHS. It also includes first-hand accounts from those who rely on and work within the system daily.

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The discussion explores various aspects of healthcare, from Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments to primary care, maternity services, and mental health provisions.

The conversation asks whether increased funding is the primary solution to the challenges faced by the NHS and if more money will inevitably lead to better care.

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The panel also considers alternative approaches to address the immense pressures on the healthcare system and reduce the significant backlog of patients awaiting treatment.

Dispatches: NHS Debate airs Monday, 24 June 2024, at 10:00 pm on Channel 4.

Isabelle aka Izzy Jacobs is the UK previews specialist at memorabletv.com. Isabelle is particularly drawn to crime dramas, but she also has a not so secret love for all things reality TV. In addition to her work at memorabletv.com, Isabelle is also an avid traveler and a devoted foodie.