Fantasmas: Looking4Twinks2S**k (HBO, June 28, 2024)

Fantasmas HBO

The fourth episode of the series Fantasmas is set to air on HBO on June 28, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. In this installment, titled “Looking4Twinks2S**k,” Julio finds himself presented with a unique opportunity after repeatedly turning down a credit card commercial.

Vanesja, ever the resourceful one, finds Julio an alternative path, landing him a role in a superhero movie. To prepare for this new challenge, Julio attends a jump rope class and makes an intriguing new connection with a social media manager named Pirulinpinpina.

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As Julio navigates this new world, the episode unfolds, offering a blend of comedy and introspection that the series has become known for. The narrative looks into Julio’s experiences and the interesting characters he meets along the way, providing a platform for both entertainment and self-reflection.

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Fantasmas: Looking4Twinks2S**k airs on HBO on Friday, June 28, 2024, at 11:00 p.m.

Hey there! I'm Riley, the US TV Previews editor at I may have failed as a musician, but my love for Jeopardy knows no bounds. And let me tell you, The Wire is hands down the greatest TV show ever made. I've been writing about the entertainment biz since (mumble mumble). Stay tuned for all the latest TV news and previews!