Happy Campers: The Caravan Park: Season 5 Episode 3 (Channel 5, 20 June 2024)

Channel 5

The British summer holiday season is in full swing, and millions are choosing to stay close to home, embracing the great British staycation. In this episode of Happy Campers, airing on Thursday 20 June, we head to Tencreek Holiday Park in Cornwall, where the unpredictable British weather is making its presence felt.

Jason and his family arrive at the park, only to be greeted by high winds and pouring rain as they attempt to set up their tent. Their troubles escalate when they realize they’ve forgotten essential clothing, and their tent proves less than waterproof. Over at Holiday Resort Unity, maintenance man Ponytail Paul is rushed off his feet, tending to a long list of jobs.

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He first assists owner Tracey, who is frantically preparing her caravan for the arrival of her nine-month-old granddaughter, only to be thwarted by a locked box. Nearby, retiree Roger encounters issues with his water supply, and Ponytail Paul rides to the rescue once more.

Back in Cornwall, park manager Rob is on a mission. After discovering that ghostly goings-on in his clubhouse have led to missing alcohol, he is determined to put a stop to the supernatural shenanigans and protect his profits.

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Meanwhile, in Somerset, park showman Chunky finds himself in a tight spot. Having left rehearsals for his new show a bit too late, he must now wing it and hope for the best.

Happy Campers: The Caravan Park, Episode 3 airs on Channel 5, Thursday, 20 June 2024, at 8:00 pm.

Isabelle aka Izzy Jacobs is the UK previews specialist at memorabletv.com. Isabelle is particularly drawn to crime dramas, but she also has a not so secret love for all things reality TV. In addition to her work at memorabletv.com, Isabelle is also an avid traveler and a devoted foodie.