Hidden Treasures of the National Trust: Saltram & Hughenden (BBC Two, Friday, 7 June 2024)

Hidden Treasure of the National Trust

In the fifth episode of Hidden Treasures of the National Trust, airing on Friday 7 June, we explore two historic houses: Saltram and Hughenden. These houses served as more than just homes; they were launchpads for the ambitious plans of their owners.

Saltram House, perched high above the River Plym in South Devon, is an impressive Georgian residence and the country seat of the Parker family. The story of Saltram is closely tied to Theresa Robinson, a young, forward-thinking woman who married John Parker in 1769. Together, they transformed the house, commissioning renowned artists and craftspeople to create treasures for their home.

One of the most notable features is the grand saloon designed by the sought-after Robert Adam. Today, the Saltram team faces the challenge of conserving two key elements: the original carpet designed by Adam and a portrait of Theresa Parker by Joshua Reynolds.

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The carpet, one of the largest and most significant in the Trust’s care, is being protected by a reweave of the original design, while the portrait is being restored to its former glory before going on loan for a major exhibition.

Hughenden Manor, nestled in the Chilterns’ wooded hills and valleys, played a significant role in the life of Victorian politician Benjamin Disraeli. Disraeli’s purchase of Hughenden in 1848 enabled his political aspirations, eventually leading him to become Prime Minister.

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While Disraeli filled the house with signs of his success, a different story is hidden in his archives, revealing early political struggles and opposition due to his Jewish heritage. House manager Rob Bandy and curator Ben Alsop are creating a new display around Disraeli’s early career, featuring a ‘spare’ chair from his first election campaign. Conservator Nicola Shreeve is tasked with preparing the chair for display.

Meanwhile, in the grounds of Hughenden, blacksmith David takes on the challenge of restoring the once-golden carriage gates to their former glory, welcoming guests and symbolizing Disraeli’s successful years.

Hidden Treasures of the National Trust: Saltram & Hughenden airs on BBC Two on Friday, 7 June 2024, at 9:00 pm.

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