Hidden Treasures of the National Trust: Season 2 Episode 5 (BBC TWO, Friday, 7th June 2024)

Hidden Treasure of the National Trust

The latest episode of Hidden Treasures of the National Trust, airing on BBC TWO on Friday, 7th June 2024, at 9:00 pm, takes viewers inside the meticulous care and restoration efforts at two historic houses with significant connections to ambitious figures.

The episode explores Saltram House in south Devon, the former country seat of the Parker family. The focus falls on two restoration projects: the 18th-century carpet designed by Robert Adam and crafted by Thomas Whitty, and a portrait of Theresa Parker, an 18th-century occupant of the house, painted by renowned artist Joshua Reynolds. The carpet, in dire need of restoration, undergoes a protective re-weave by Axminster, staying true to the original design. Meanwhile, the once-striking portrait of a young Theresa Parker is revived, preparing it for a major exhibition of Reynolds’s work.

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The episode also ventures to Hughenden Manor, nestled in the Chilterns. This manor house played a significant role in the life of Benjamin Disraeli, helping propel him to the peak of political power. The once-glorious golden carriage gates that welcomed Disraeli’s guests have fallen into disrepair, and blacksmith David takes on the challenging task of restoring them to their former glory, using his skills and a wedge of gold leaf.

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Hidden Treasures of the National Trust, Series 2 Episode 5, airs on Friday 7 June 2024 at 9:00 pm on BBC TWO.

Isabelle aka Izzy Jacobs is the UK previews specialist at memorabletv.com. Isabelle is particularly drawn to crime dramas, but she also has a not so secret love for all things reality TV. In addition to her work at memorabletv.com, Isabelle is also an avid traveler and a devoted foodie.