Ladies in Black Episode 2 (ABC TV, Sunday 23 June 2024)

Ladies in Black ABC Australia

In the second episode of Ladies in Black, airing on ABC TV on Sunday 23 June, secrets and lies come to the fore as the women of Goodes navigate divided loyalties, unexpected events, and shocking revelations. Angela must juggle her scam and new job, Lisa struggles with forgotten memories, Magda and Mrs. Ambrose clash, and Fay faces challenges on multiple fronts.

Angela Mansour (Azizi Donnelly) finds herself in a tricky situation. Her successful scam of posing as part of a retailing family has landed her a dream job in fashion at Goodes. Now, she must return the stolen look-book and hope her real family’s business of selling knock-off Goodes designs remains undiscovered.

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Lisa (Clare Hughes) is preoccupied with the mysterious night she spent with her dream man, Richard (Tom Wilson), and the humiliating situation Angela inadvertently put her in. Resisting Angela’s attempts at friendship, Lisa navigates her confusion alone.

Meanwhile, Magda (Debi Mazar) and Mrs. Ambrose (Miranda Otto) engage in a power struggle over ladieswear and the direction of Goodes. Mrs. Ambrose rallies allies, while Magda is distracted by the arrival of Stefan’s (Russell Dykstra) long-hidden son, George (Carlos Sanson Jr.), who needs a place to stay.

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Fay (Jessica De Gouw) intends to discuss her decision to go on the pill with Rudi (Thom Green), but the arrival of Stefan and George interrupts their plans. As they offer their home to George, Fay also deals with the unexpected return of Marlow, a figure from her past.

As secrets and lies unravel, will the ladies in black find unity and strength in each other, or will the tensions of sudden revelations drive them further apart?

Ladies in Black Episode 2 airs Sunday, June 23 at 8.30pm on ABC, with all episodes available to stream on ABC iview.

Jackson Anderson, your go-to Australian TV Correspondent, reporting on all things Aussie TV and Streaming. With a deep passion for extreme sports, especially snowboarding, I blend my love for adrenaline with my storytelling skills. Join me as I dive into the world of Australian entertainment and bring you all the latest news.