Masters of Illusion: Flames, Floating, and Out of This World (The CW, June 20, 2024)

Masters of Illusion

The CW presents a brand new episode of Masters of Illusion, airing on Thursday, June 20, 2024. The episode, Flames, Floating, and Out of This World, features a lineup of illusionists showcasing their extraordinary talents.

Hosted by Dean Cain, the episode includes performances by Chipper Lowell, Reza, Eric Eaton, Joel Meyers, Adam Wylie, and Trigg Watson. Audiences will be treated to a variety of magical acts, ranging from interactive mind magic to comedy routines.

Chipper Lowell combines his comedic timing with impressive magic, while Reza creates large-scale illusions that defy explanation. Eric Eaton specializes in close-up magic, Joel Meyers astonishes with his mind-reading abilities, and Adam Wylie showcases his unique brand of magic and mentalism.

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Trigg Watson, known for his innovative illusions, rounds out the impressive roster of performers.

This episode continues the show’s tradition of presenting a diverse array of magical talents, from grand illusions to intimate close-up magic. Masters of Illusion offers something for everyone, whether it’s laughter, wonder, or simply a desire to be mystified.

Masters of Illusion: Flames, Floating, and Out of This World airs Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 9:00 PM on The CW.

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