Northwoods Survival: Snow is a Boon (National Geographic, Tuesday October 29, 2024)

Northwoods Survival Key Art

Winter has arrived in the Canadian wilderness, which, as anyone familiar with Canada knows, is not exactly a newsflash. For the homesteaders of Northwoods Survival, however, the changing season brings a fresh set of challenges.

The episode title, “Snow is a Boon,” seems rather optimistic, suggesting that these people find something positive about knee-deep drifts and sub-zero temperatures. Perhaps they’re using the snow to build elaborate forts, or maybe they’ve discovered a lucrative market for artisanal snow globes.

Will the homesteaders embrace the challenges of winter, or will their resolve begin to crack like thin ice? Will they find the purported “boon” in the snow, or will they simply be buried by its relentless accumulation?

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Northwoods Survival: Snow is a Boon airs Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 10:00 pm on National Geographic.

Andrew Martins, reviewer, recapper, deep diver, scifi specialist. Thinks Blakes 7 is better than Star Trek. Yes I do go to fan conventions and no I don't dress up. Well okay maybe I do a bit.