Paranormal: The Village That Saw Aliens Episode 3 (BBC Three, 21 June 2024)

Paranormal BBC Three

In the third episode of BBC Three’s “Paranormal,” titled “The Village That Saw Aliens,” investigator Sian pursues leads and examines eyewitness accounts of mysterious phenomena. The episode airs on Friday, June 21, 2024, at 9:00 pm.

Sian, already deep into her investigation, encounters multiple eyewitness reports of cigar-shaped crafts and strange orbs of light in the sky. Intrigued and perplexed, she sets out to find logical explanations for these sightings. She learns of claims made by multiple individuals regarding a pulsating light around Stack Rocks, prompting her to take a boat out to the site in search of clues.

Turning to science for answers, Sian visits Oxford University, where astrophysicist Dr. Becky Smethurst provides insight into the natural occurrence of plasma. For a brief moment, the strange phenomena seem explained, but doubts remain. The explanation doesn’t account for the schoolboys’ identical reports or hotelier Rosa’s encounters with strange figures.

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Compelled to re-evaluate the evidence, Sian discovers recurring details in the accounts that challenge her skepticism. Unrelated eyewitnesses consistently report radio interference and cigar-shaped crafts. Curious about original investigator Randall’s findings, she delves into the archives and uncovers a disturbing revelation: a newspaper clipping indicating that Randall quit the case due to unsettling discoveries, leaving a warning for future investigators.

Local author Neil Spring, well-versed in the case, cautions Sian about potential repercussions. He shares stories of individuals involved in the investigation being visited by mysterious figures claiming to be government agents, warning them to cease their inquiries. Spring also reveals that the case extends beyond the seaside village, involving hundreds of eyewitnesses across south and west Wales.

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Sian’s investigation takes her 60 miles down the coast to Swansea, where she meets Natalie, who recounts a convincing story of witnessing a UFO as a 13-year-old. Natalie describes an angular-shaped craft hovering over her house, and the following day, she found a lump on her head. Sian’s skepticism persists until she encounters another local who corroborates Natalie’s story, claiming to have seen the same craft on the same night.

In search of answers, Sian turns to the National Archives and makes a startling discovery. She uncovers recently declassified government documents containing reports of a triangular-shaped UFO, matching the descriptions provided by Natalie and her neighbour. This leads Sian to question the government’s knowledge of these sightings and the reasons for keeping such documents classified.

Paranormal: The Village That Saw Aliens airs on Friday, June 21, 2024, at 9:00 pm on BBC Three.

Isabelle aka Izzy Jacobs is the UK previews specialist at Isabelle is particularly drawn to crime dramas, but she also has a not so secret love for all things reality TV. In addition to her work at, Isabelle is also an avid traveler and a devoted foodie.