The Great War Series Premiere: Into Hell (History, Monday May 27, 2024)

How to Lose a War

The Great War, a forthcoming documentary series, debuts on History with its first episode, “Into Hell” on Monday May 27. This initial installment offers a glimpse into the horrors of World War I, focusing on the critical year of 1918.

The episode tells the story of General John J. Pershing and the challenges he faced in training and deploying the untested American Army. With the Allies exhausted and on the verge of losing to Germany, Pershing races against time to prepare his forces and turn the tide of the war. The episode also introduces us to Michael B. Ellis, who fought with the Army’s renowned Big Red One, and Horace Pippin and Henry Johnson, courageous African American soldiers who served with the Harlem Hellfighters.

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“Into Hell” sets the stage for the rest of the series, which will explore how an isolationist America entered World War I and emerged as a global power. Through the intertwining stories of these four men, the series promises to offer a compelling and insightful narrative of the United States’ involvement in this devastating conflict.

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The Great War: Into Hell airs Monday, May 27, 2024, at 8:00 PM on History.

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