The Jennifer Hudson Show: Pam Grier, Keith Corbin (Thursday, May 30, 2024)

The Jennifer Hudson Show

On Thursday, May 30, The Jennifer Hudson Show welcomes actor and cultural icon Pam Grier, second-grader Bailey Butts, and first-graders Ashton Tyler and Bella Baker for a “Words from the Wise: Kids Edition” segment. The show also features an interview with award-winning chef Keith Corbin, who shares his inspiring journey of overcoming challenges and giving back to the community.

Pam Grier, an American actor and singer, is known for her groundbreaking roles in 1970s blaxploitation and action films, often portraying bold and assertive women. She has appeared in films such as “Coffy,” “Foxy Brown,” “Jackie Brown,” and “Fort Apache, The Bronx.” Grier has received numerous accolades, including nominations for Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild Awards. She is considered the first African-American woman to headline an action film, breaking barriers and empowering women of color.

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The show highlights the importance of listening to the perspectives of children, with Bailey Butts, Ashton Tyler, and Bella Baker sharing their wise words and unique insights.

Chef Keith Corbin, owner of Alta Adams restaurant in Los Angeles, discusses his previous challenges and his journey to success. Corbin, who faced a difficult upbringing in Watts and a history of incarceration, decided to change his life trajectory. He now uses his platform to give back to the community, hiring staff who might not otherwise be given a chance.

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The Jennifer Hudson Show airs weekdays in Syndication.

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