The Real Housewives of Dubai: Drama Queens (Bravo, Tuesday June 25, 2024)

The Real Housewives of Dubai

The Real Housewives of Dubai returns with a brand new episode, “Drama Queens,” airing on Bravo on June 25, 2024. In this episode, we see Caroline Stanbury and Sergio navigating the complexities of moving. Sara opens up about a new love interest, while Taleen eagerly dives back into her fitness career on a full-time basis.

The episode also features Ayan, who hosts a dinner party for her favorite queens.

The episode offers a glimpse into the lives of these lavish women as they juggle their business ventures and navigate the exclusive social scene of Dubai. With new group dynamics at play, tensions rise, threatening long-standing friendships.

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“Drama Queens” builds on the evolving dynamics within the group. Caroline Stanbury and Sergio’s journey takes an interesting turn as they face the challenges of moving.

Meanwhile, Sara’s love life takes center stage as she introduces a new love interest. Taleen, passionate about her fitness career, embraces a new chapter by dedicating herself to it full-time. The episode also shines a light on Ayan, who brings her favorite queens together for a memorable dinner party.

The Real Housewives of Dubai: Drama Queens airs on Bravo, June 25, 2024, at 9:00 p.m.

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