The UnXplained Special Presentation: Beyond Death (History, Tuesday October 29, 2024)

The UnXplained Special Presentation

Death: it’s the ultimate mystery, the great unknown. And The UnXplained is back, once again poking at the existential veil with a stick.

‘Beyond Death,’ the second of tonight’s two new episodes, asks what happens after we shuffle off this mortal coil? The show examines the rituals surrounding death across cultures, questioning whether burial practices impact the soul’s journey (because who doesn’t want to know if their choice of urn matters in the grand scheme of eternity?). The episode also tackles reincarnation, exploring the possibility of souls hopping between bodies like itinerant houseguests.

While The UnXplained often leans towards the speculative, the focus on cultural death rituals could be genuinely informative. It’s a topic ripe for exploration, offering a chance to learn something new about how different societies process mortality.

The UnXplained Special Presentation: Beyond Death airs Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 10:03 pm on History.

The UnXplained Special Presentation, History, US TV, Cable

Andrew Martins, reviewer, recapper, deep diver, scifi specialist. Thinks Blakes 7 is better than Star Trek. Yes I do go to fan conventions and no I don't dress up. Well okay maybe I do a bit.