Produced by Rashida Jones, Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus, Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On is a six-part anthology series, based off their acclaimed feature documentary, Hot Girls Wanted. This unflinchingly honest series tells personal stories about people whose lives are affected by the explosion of the Internet where social media, pornography and virtual relationships are all just a click away.
Each episode explores the intersection of sex and technology telling stories of intimacy, connection, disconnection, self-promotion, race and gender politics. How is interacting through screens rewiring us in fundamental ways?
Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival.
key behind the scenes crew
Jill Bauer as Executive Producer
Rashida Jones as Executive Producer
Ronna Gradus as Executive Producer
show type
broadcast from
4/21/17 –
1 season with 6 episodes in total
network and production companies